在线 桥 项目 at GCU

现在 Is the Time To Start Your 桥 Program

GCU的桥梁课程旨在为持有不相关领域学位的学生申请研究生十大菠菜网排行或为自己在当前行业中可能的职业转变或晋升做好准备. While these bridge programs do not lead to a traditional degree, they can be the next step in your educational path, 因为它们的设计是为了帮助你满足后续十大菠菜网排行的先决条件.

Choosing GCU for Your 桥 Program


桥 programs include many benefits and qualities, for instance:

桥 programs focus only on the courses you need for completion. 这些是你进入你想要的硕士或博士学位项目所需的核心课程和主题.

Because bridge programs only focus on the core classes and topics, each program is designed to be finished in a short time, 为你提供一个潜在的位置,让你晋升到你想去的地方.

GCU offers online bridge programs so you can enjoy the convenient 在线学习 教室和资源,以及与同行专业人士的网络,增加了灵活性.

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Examples of 在线 桥 项目 at GCU

GCU开设过桥课程的学院包括商业、技术和护理. 无论你是在寻找硕士衔接课程还是衔接博士课程, 这些课程为您提供了填补技能和知识空白的机会,以便您为学术旅程的下一步做好准备.

桥 to Master’s 项目


护理 桥 Pathways

这些衔接课程适用于持有非护理专业学士学位的注册护士. By completing a nursing bridge pathway, 你有资格在GCU注册相关的护理学硕士(MSN)课程. 推进你的学习,把你的护理技能集中在这些重点领域之一.

桥 to Doctorate 项目

GCU的博士桥梁课程包括在线咨询桥梁课程, 专为那些谁想要提高他们的咨询和领导能力,并获得必要的资格,以选择博士咨询项目招生.

Male bridge program student smiling in GCU classroom

应用ing to a GCU College With 桥 项目

硕士衔接课程和博士衔接课程的申请者必须满足特定项目的入学要求, including proof of a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited, GCU-approved college, university or program. 访问我们的 招生页面 to learn how you can qualify for enrollment.

FAQs for 在线 桥 项目

如果你有兴趣在与当前学位无关的领域继续深造, and you need to fill knowledge gaps before taking the next step, GCU’s bridge programs may be your answer. Learn more by reading through these frequently asked questions.

桥梁课程旨在提供关键课程,帮助您满足先决条件并弥合知识差距,以便您可以为高级十大菠菜网排行的注册做准备. GCU提供硕士衔接课程和博士衔接课程.

如果你想有机会提升自己的教育水平,但在申请与当前学位无关的硕士或博士学位之前需要满足一定的入学要求,那么参加一个过渡课程是值得你考虑的. 寻找在线桥梁课程,这样你就可以在更灵活的时间内完成课程.

桥梁硕士课程包括一些选修课,这些选修课旨在帮助学士学位持有者填补知识空白,并满足选读硕士十大菠菜网排行的先决条件. 桥梁课程是你学习道路上的一块垫脚石,并不直接通向学位. 硕士学位是一个完整的课程,在成功完成后可以获得学位.

Doctorate programs at GCU, whether it’s a bridge or degree program, require 硕士学位 from an accredited university, 大学或专业. 博士课程通常也有特定的课程要求,所以一定要咨询 graduate and doctoral 招生页面 了解更多.

GCU is institutionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), which speaks to the university’s quality in education in key areas, 比如诚信, teaching and learning effectiveness, academic achievement, student services and stewardship. When you complete a bridge program through GCU, you will receive an education that meets the high standards of the HLC.

As with all academic programs at GCU, 护理桥梁课程通过GCU高等教育委员会(HLC)的机构认证。.

如果你持有非商业领域的学士或硕士学位,并希望自己在商业或企业管理方面有可能发展, then you should consider a business bridge program. 这些课程旨在帮助你建立你的知识,并满足某些硕士或博士课程的要求, such as a Doctor of 业务 Administration (DBA).

如果你有硕士学位,并且有兴趣从事最高级别的咨询工作, 在线咨询桥提供了一个机会来提高你在教学和领导方面的咨询技能,并达到注册GCU咨询教育和监督项目博士学位的资格.

找一个符合你个人或职业目标的在线桥梁项目. 联系 us today to enroll or get answers to your remaining questions.